CEFOPRODIET "Centre de Formation de Professionelle en Dietetique"

Our Training

The Training last for 12 months with a 50 / 50 split between theory and practical teachings. An internship in hospitals, hotels and other related institutions is also an integral part of the training.

Lectures and practicals are scheduled between 7:30am and 4:30pm [Day Session] or from 5:00pm to 9:00pm [Evening session].

On successful completion of the training, candidates are awarded a "QDP" by the "Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training" [MINEFOP] and an international certificate co-signed by the "Functional Food Center" of the United States Of America

Our Training
Our Vision

Our Vision

To stand out in building a better world for all where social status is not an obstacle to good nutrition, well-being and longevity.

Objectives Of CEFOPDIET

  • Prepare learners to be professionally and technically competent in the nutritional education of individuals and communities
  • Be able to carry out nutritional diagnosis and management of patients
  • Design and follow up menu
  • Enable youths to become job creators not job seekers
  • Offer scholarships to orphans and children of the very poor who excel in their fields of study
  • Contribute to the reduction of malnutrition in Cameroon, Africa and the world at large

 Objectives Of CEFOPDIET
Future Opportunities

Future Opportunities

Upon completion of your training at CEFOPDIET, you have the possibility of becoming:

• Dieticians at hospitals, clinics, health centers, hotels, restaurants, agro-alimentary or pharmaceutical industries, humanitarian NGOs
• Dieticians at sports clubs and academic institutions
• Owners of Dietetics practice
• Dieticians at wellness institutions. Sales and advertisement of nutritional products.